
Bob get's up at 5:00 AM every morning. He then eats his breakfast and rushes out the door. It takes him 1 hour to get to work. He finally arrives at work at 7:00.  Billson on the other hand, gets up at  8:00 AM and drinks a cup of warm coffee. Once he's finished he starts up his computer and gets to work. The difference between the two is that Billson telecommutes and bob does not.Telecommuting is very useful and can save a lot of time, money, and it can save the environment.

Telecommuting saves a lot of time. It saves all of the time from work and back so total we could save 100 hours of commuting a year.Think of how much more your business could be if they telecommuted. You could be saving a lot of time.

It also saves money used on gas. we could save 276 million barrels of oil a year and 50million tons of greenhouse gasses. Now think about how much that is. That's a lot of gas.That's more than 10 elephants,  maybe 20!

It also helps the environment. Like it said in the paragraph above If everyone in the us telecommuted we could save 50 million tons of greenhouse gasses a year. And even more shocking, We could save 1,500 lives lost in car accidents... every year!

If you think about that it would be a good Idea for all of us to telecommute if possible. That way we could save time, money, oil, and even lives. I can see that a taxi driver obviously cant telecommute but there are (once again) 40% of people who could be telecommuting. So think, can you telecommute with the job you are currently in? If so you should think about it. It would be nice if everyone telecommuted.