Friday, September 30, 2011

The Path (Haiku)

On the path we walk
We meet many challanges
We always can face

In Simpler Times

In simpler times, we would not have to worry about our work because our parents did all of it. We didn't need to worry about, "Am I going to get my project done in time?" All we needed to worry about was when can I go and play, or does he /she want to play with me? I wish we could all just go back to when the days seemed like they lasted forever and the nights would be so short that we could just blink and it would be day. If it was that easy we would almost never be sad and we could just play around all day.

I think that people lose that 'good feeling' once they start getting homework at school, because then you have to get things done quickly instead of doing it whenever you want. I hate the stress you get once this starts. If we could all just relax people would be so much happier. Like on the weekdays when I come home I want to go outside or do something, but instead I have to sit and do my homework. Not that its a bad thing, homework gives us knowledge. I just wish I could do something else.

I hope when I grow up and get a job I can be a teacher because some teachers get the summer off so then I could relax. If you have ever felt like this please leave a comment. I hope that I can be happy and stress free over the weekends so when I come back to school I'm in a good mood.

Friday, September 23, 2011


Blogging is one of my least favorite things to do at school. The reason for this is you first have to find a topic, then you have to write it, then you need to proof it and publish it. I really don’t enjoy this. I wish we could do a spelling worksheet like we used to.

First finding a topic is hard. I’ve ended up sitting in one place thinking of a good topic to use for a whole hour. The only problem is since you use a topic you cant write about it next year because people will think that you are just copping the other one. Then also you want to find a topic that isn’t pointless or anything. I just think this part is hard.

Secondly,  pre-writing is pointless if you are using a computer like most people. You can just change things then print it. On paper I can see why you would pre-write because the eraser marks would make it look messy. Otherwise I don’t like it.

Then lastly proofing and publishing it isn’t fun because when you read your own writing you don’t see anything wrong. The only people who seem to notice it are the teachers or parents. Also, if you're in detention or something you're not allowed to talk so no one can proof it.

I think I just don’t like writing things. I wish writing was easier. In the future I hope they invent a machine that would record whatever you said, and would type it or you then you wouldn’t have any errors in grammar or word usage. It would solve most problems about typing and people wanting to write.

The First Month of School

The first month of school is always the hardest. It starts out easy but then gets harder as it goes on. I think that once you get used to it,  it’s way easier. If it went right into school instead of starting out slow, it would be so much harder.

When you start school, you still are in the summer mood, so it's hard to concentrate. Because of this, they don’t give you much homework on the first day. The only problem is once they start really racking up the homework level, it just goes from easy to hardcore or from level one to level 57. Recently I was in A.S.A.P which is like after school detention because homework.
If the teachers would slowly give us homework, we wouldn't need homework club most of the time. If only that was the way it worked, people would me happier to come to school.

At the end of the month, people start to slow down and we get used to the way everything works, but until then, it’s a real challenge. In the beginning of the year (the first week or so,) it’s laid back and everyday you don’t get homework. Then, another challenge is getting back with your friends. This is because your friend might not remember you well if you didn’t do much with them over the summer. Also because they may have changed over the summer and they might have new interests this is rare but it could happen.

The point is that the first month of school is challenging, and you can’t get through easily. It is the same with the last month but that’s not important yet. Overall the school year is tough and it takes patience. In the end, you’ll be happy because it will be another school year out of the way.