Friday, September 30, 2011

In Simpler Times

In simpler times, we would not have to worry about our work because our parents did all of it. We didn't need to worry about, "Am I going to get my project done in time?" All we needed to worry about was when can I go and play, or does he /she want to play with me? I wish we could all just go back to when the days seemed like they lasted forever and the nights would be so short that we could just blink and it would be day. If it was that easy we would almost never be sad and we could just play around all day.

I think that people lose that 'good feeling' once they start getting homework at school, because then you have to get things done quickly instead of doing it whenever you want. I hate the stress you get once this starts. If we could all just relax people would be so much happier. Like on the weekdays when I come home I want to go outside or do something, but instead I have to sit and do my homework. Not that its a bad thing, homework gives us knowledge. I just wish I could do something else.

I hope when I grow up and get a job I can be a teacher because some teachers get the summer off so then I could relax. If you have ever felt like this please leave a comment. I hope that I can be happy and stress free over the weekends so when I come back to school I'm in a good mood.

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