Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Formal essay on Theme:The Giver

Author’s Note: I am writing a response to the book The Giver. I am also writing about the theme of The Giver and the reasons why it is the certain theme, like what it would be if the theme was different and comparing The Giver to another book with the same theme. I also made a few changes to this piece for my meeting.

In The Giver, by Lois Lowry there are many themes like adventure and family but I think one of the major themes in this book is the search for truth. There are many reasons this books’ theme is a search for truth. One of the reasons I think the book is the search for truth is, throughout the whole book Jonas learns more and more about the community and how controlled everyone is.

One of the other reasons the book shows his theme is because of the character development through the story. In the beginning Jonas is very normal and knows very little about the government he lives under except that they are given a job when they become a “12” and that if you do something wrong you will be “released”, (or in other words, killed). Then towards the end of the book he felt emotions and saw colors and had an entirely new view on the government and how it operates.

The more he learned, the more he hated the government. The government was shielding the citizens from emotion and color and the memories that everyone has the right to know about. He wanted to learn more and more about what was hidden from him when he was younger. The receiver has a great responsibility among the community. He or she has to hold all of the memories of the people of the past, all blissful memories and all torturous ones. If all of the memories were given to the people they would go insane and the community would fall into chaos and there are many other books that share the same theme.

Like The Giver, The Lightning Thief by Rick Roridan also shows a theme of search for truth because in The Lightning Thief Percy is framed for stealing Zeus’s master bolt and he has to get the bolt back and find out who took the bolt to prove his innocence. Then if The Lightning Thief was a different  theme it would have to be family because he never met his dad and throughout the book he is trying to find the bolt and save his mom from Hades and also in the book on the journey his friends were like his family. Without his friends the only family he would have in the book would be his mom and his dad who he never met.

In conclusion the search for truth is a major theme of The Giver and it has many reasons that back it up. If I had to choose a different theme for the book it would be family because as Jonas learns more and more about the government he finds that his true family is Gabe and the Giver and not some family unit that the government had assigned him to.

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