Friday, March 30, 2012

Conflict/Resolution piece on The Giver

Author's note: This piece is a conflict resolution piece where I will be talking about The Giver by Lois Lowery and one of the main conflicts in the story.

In The Giver by Lois Lowery the government almost controls people in a way because they took away all of the peoples emotion and feelings for things so if the sun was out and it was 83 degrease they couldn’t feel it and they don’t really care if they have a test to study for, they just study they don't give it any thought to it. In this way the government is messed up.

In the story the conflict is that no one can feel anything and also the government "releases people" if they do something wrong. What that means is that they kill you if you mess up so if you are learning to drive a car and you go through a stop sign you will be killed. The people of this town do not know what emotion is and Jonas and the Giver believe that the people have the right to know.

The resolution was that Jonas ran away from the town with all of the memories of the people so that the town leaders can turn to the Giver for advice and the town will fall into chaos. Then the government will have to give people emotions. After that the people will most likely protest and revolt against the government.

If the Giver and Jonas hadn't done what they did then who knows what could have happened. They could have died a normal life in the community but then they would feel like they forgot something.
Then they would never have saved the city from the "Sameness" as the author calls it.

Point of view piece on Darke

Author's note: In this post I am trying to focus on a point of view piece and I will be talking about how the person's point of veiw effects the tone and mood of the story.

In Darke by Angie Sage when the Darke Domain spread out around the castle the mood of the story could have been greatly effected by who's point of view was used.  Like if you used Septimus's point of view it would be a lot different than if you used Marica's point of view or Jenna's.

If Septimus's point of view was used he would see the Darke fog drifting over the cobblestone roads and he would be thinking about how horrible it is and he has to do something about it. Where as Marica would think about who screwed it up, and Jenna would just sit there in shock thinking about how horrible it is and all hope is lost and stuff.

So the author probably had to think about witch persons point of view to use to give the reader that special feeling to make it seem like they where actually in the book at this time, and not just that feeling like "Oh okay so there's a Giant Darke Domain spreading around the castle that could kill everyone, that’s interesting". When people make a book they probably have to think about the person's point of view so that they get the right tone and mood in the story.

Cause & effect on Darke

Author's note: I am making a Cause and effect piece on Darke by Angie Sage and I will be mentioning what has happened in the book and what problem arose from this.

In my book Darke by Angie sage when the dark Domain escaped the attic it put the whole castle at risk and everyone could have died. The problem was that the Darke was in the attic and it escaped and flooded into the palace like an evil title wave of darkness. If only they had known of the threat earlier so they could take care of it.

What happened was that in the attic of the palace there was a boy named Merrin who had crated a Darke Domain witch was an evil dark fog that could almost be considered living because of how thick it was and how it swirled and moved across the ground. So the Darke escaped out of the palace and into the castle and no one could stop it, even the Extra Ordinary Wizard! (The Extra Ordinary wizard is basically the head  wizard in a sense). Now everyone is being killed by the Darke and it seems like the Darke is winning.

This catastrophe could have been stopped if Jenna the princess would have told someone sooner. If they did the Darke would not be as powerful and they could have gotten rid of the domain before it broke free and attacked the castle. Now everyone has to deal with the Darke Magyk before it destroys the whole castle!

If only they had told someone.  Now I don't know what is going to happen but they better get this cleaned up. Even the wizard tower is preparing its defenses witch will hold back the Darke but not forever so eventually someone has to do something.

Predictions piece on Darke

Author's note: This is a Prediction piece and in this piece I will be covering what is currently happening and what I think will happen.

In my book Darke by Angie Sage, There is a boy named Merrin who has been hiding in the attic of the palace for 7 months. The reason no one has found him is because he is using Darke Magyk to make a Darke Domain. In the book the Darke Domain escapes the attic and starts to spread around the whole castle. Now the Heap family is stuck in their old house in the Ramblings ( which is basically a big apartment building) because the Darke is coming after them. I think they will escape the Darke but just barely.

In the book the room is about the size of an apartment and there is a window has a view of the forest beyond the castle. The window is in the castle wall and there is the moat below at the foot of the castle wall. I think that the Darke will get into the room and they will have to jump out of the window into the river. Then I think that the princess and her family will have to escape into the forest and wait there until they can do something about the situation.

If my prediction doesn't work and they get trapped, they would probably be taken away to some sort of dungeon and then escape and I think that one of the characters would die in the process to add more of an emotion and effect for the scene. I also think when they escape they will find something powerful to destroy the enemy.

Otherwise  I don’t know what would happen because there is no other way out of the room besides the door and the window. They would be captured or killed and then the they would be killing off a few of the main characters and no one really enjoys that.

I think that these are the two things that will happen because other than these I have no idea what could happen. In the end I still think it will be a good book. Also I do still think they will barely escape and they will probably jump out of a window and the Darke will be right behind them.

Field below responce

  1. The field below poem is about someone wishing there was a field below. Below what? I don't know.

  1.  I think they wrote this because they where getting bored of living in the city and they felt maybe packed into an apartment and they want open space. It may be like this except it may be an emotional struggle that has left them feeling like this.

  1. I think it is an anaphora because they repeat the phrase I wish there was a field below many times throughout the poem.

  1. I think the tone is sad and wishful and the mood is sympathetic .

Friday, March 16, 2012

Parody of This is Just to Say

The poem parody is about the giver because in the giver the government is shielding the people from the emotions and the only one who has the emotions is the receiver. The giver is saying he has released the emotions to the citizens and he is talking to the government. The tone of this parody is sort of sarcastic and the mood is frustrated or angry.

I have given out
the emotions
that where in
My mind

and which
you were probably
for the next receiver

Forgive me
The citizens have the right
To be happy
and to be sad

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Responce to: Mother to Son

In Mother to son by Langston Hughes there are types of figurative language. The only one is a metaphor.
The metaphor is "life for me ain't no crystal stair". In the story they mean that their life hasn't been perfect, there are times when it is very hard to go on, you just want to fall down and stop.  Even though you feel like this you have to keep going. Also in the book there are some things that adds to the feeling of the piece, the tone and mood. In the poem the tone was sort of frustrated. And when you read it you feel inspired because you feel as if you are the person the woman is talking to.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Retelling of Monster

Monster by Walter Dean Myers is about Steve Harmon who was accused of killing a man during the robbery of a gas station. He has to go through court and be proven innocent or else he would go to jail for life for something he didn't do. If that happens Mr. Evans and Mr. King (the robbers) would get away

Friday, March 9, 2012

Charachter discription- Steven (improved)

Author’s note: I am writing a character description piece and in the first paragraph I will describe the character and in the second I will describe his/her role in the story. Then I will talk about the effect they have on the plot.

Steven created his movies with passion and kindness as he strode on screen with his brownish skin tone and his short curly hair not moving an inch. He walked up to the camera and stopped then he walked away and came back at a different angle with his brown eyes fixed forward. Then he backed up and walked forward again. Each time he re-approached the camera he walked at a different angle. Eventually his mother came into the room and told him to come down for dinner. "Okay Mom I'll be down in a minute," He replied kindly.

In the book Steven is very important because he is the main character. He is accused of a crime he didn't commit and he needs to be chosen innocent or else he could spend the rest of his life in jail. And that is the last thing he would ever want to do. Also in the story there are 2-3 people who say he was helping in the crime but he wasn't even there that day. They want to blame it on him. Without Steve the book would be about the other criminals trying to get out of going to jail even though they committed a murder. And even though they would try their hardest they would still be guilty and go to jail for life.

If Steven was proven guilty he would go to jail and get beaten by the other prisoners and Mr. Evans and Mr. King would be free and who's to say they won't commit anymore murders. They might think: Oh we got out of going to jail so why don't we try to rob that other gas station down the road we could always get out of jail again. They would become a bar of soap, always slipping away.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Riding the Bus V.S. Driving

One day you wake up, you go down stairs, have breakfast , and go out to the bus stop. You stand there for a few minutes until you think to yourself that maybe you missed the bus. You start up your driveway when you turn around to see the bus drive by your stop. "No! Wait!" you shout but the driver can't hear you. You go into your house and tell a family member you missed the bus. In a few short moments your out the door, in the car, and on your way. When you arrive at school  you start to think about how different taking the bus and riding in a car are. Riding a bus and being driven to school are very different in some ways, but in others they are very much the same.

Riding in a car and taking the bus are two very different things indeed. Like how when you take the bus at times it might feel as if you are sitting next to a speaker. Other times the bus could be a quiet bedroom on a cold night with only the noise of a ticking clock. But either way the noise level is usually not how you want it. I used to have a very kind bus driver that didn't really care what we did as long as we didn't hurt each other or talk too loud. But a very crucial benefit is that you have your friends to talk to and you can have a great time.

I really like to have someone to talk to on certain days of the week. In a car you can listen to music on the radio and you can control the volume so the noise it just how you want it to be. The only problem would be if you had a younger or older sibling that wouldn't stop making noise. Then at that point I would probably try to get them to stop or if it doesn't work I would probably just turn up the music or the radio.

Some things that could be the same though would be if you car pooled with some friends then you could talk to them on the way to school or do something else with them besides stare out the window and occasionally talk to the person driving you. I guess I would still prefer  riding the bus because I like talking to my friends in the morning. So driving to school and riding the bus are different and the same, I guess it depends on how you look at it. But in the end I see that they are very different.

Character Analisis - Steven

Author’s note: I am writing a character description piece and in the first paragraph I will describe the character and in the second I will describe his/her role in the story.

In Monster by Walter Dean Myers Steven was convicted of a murder he didn’t commit. Steven is African American, has dark brown, short, and curly hair. He has brown eyes and is very kind. In the book he is mostly scared by what is happening and wishes he could be home.

In the book Steven is very important because he is the main character. He is accused of a crime he didn't commit and he needs to be chosen innocent or else he could spend the rest of his life in jail. Also in the story there are 2-3 people who say he was helping in the crime but he wasn't even there that day. They want to blame it on him. Without Steve the book would be about the other criminals trying to get out of going to jail even though they committed a murder. And even though they would try their hardest they would still be guilty and go to jail for life.