Friday, March 30, 2012

Predictions piece on Darke

Author's note: This is a Prediction piece and in this piece I will be covering what is currently happening and what I think will happen.

In my book Darke by Angie Sage, There is a boy named Merrin who has been hiding in the attic of the palace for 7 months. The reason no one has found him is because he is using Darke Magyk to make a Darke Domain. In the book the Darke Domain escapes the attic and starts to spread around the whole castle. Now the Heap family is stuck in their old house in the Ramblings ( which is basically a big apartment building) because the Darke is coming after them. I think they will escape the Darke but just barely.

In the book the room is about the size of an apartment and there is a window has a view of the forest beyond the castle. The window is in the castle wall and there is the moat below at the foot of the castle wall. I think that the Darke will get into the room and they will have to jump out of the window into the river. Then I think that the princess and her family will have to escape into the forest and wait there until they can do something about the situation.

If my prediction doesn't work and they get trapped, they would probably be taken away to some sort of dungeon and then escape and I think that one of the characters would die in the process to add more of an emotion and effect for the scene. I also think when they escape they will find something powerful to destroy the enemy.

Otherwise  I don’t know what would happen because there is no other way out of the room besides the door and the window. They would be captured or killed and then the they would be killing off a few of the main characters and no one really enjoys that.

I think that these are the two things that will happen because other than these I have no idea what could happen. In the end I still think it will be a good book. Also I do still think they will barely escape and they will probably jump out of a window and the Darke will be right behind them.

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