Sunday, October 30, 2011

My Halloween expirience

Halloween has always been fun. It is an enjoyable experience for every one, including my 2 year old neighbor. This year was his first year and he was a pumpkin. This year I was Steve (a character from my favorite game, Minecraft). If you don't know who Steve or Minecraft are, the whole game is based on building blocks and so your character is made of pixelated rectangular prisms. You might think that the game is boring, don't knock it till you try it because it is really addicting. I think this year wasn't very good for trick-or-treating because of the weather.

This is my Steve costume
The weather was crummy because it was windy and rainy so every drop that hit you felt like ice. Then because of that it was hard to walk around because my blocky costume kept catching in the wind. My friend Jeremy and I only made it half way around the neighborhood when we decided to head back. We ran back to my house going to every other home to get some candy.

The best part was that once we got back we had hot chocolate and went into the basement to play some video games. After Jeremy went home we watched part of a movie that was on and had some pizza. After that I worked on some blogging (a.k.a. this post) and we went to bed.

I hope that next year would be clearer and that I don't have such a big costume to lug around, if I go trick-or-treating at all. Maybe I'll hand out the candy so my mom and dad can relax or the other way around. Either way I hope it"s a good one.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Nuclear Energy

There are many was to get energy, one of the ways are Nuclear Energy. Nuclear energy is bad for the environment but can never run out and it supplies 19% of our energy in homes. When you hear Nuclear energy you immediately think of bombs, the thing is if the reactor core over heats it will explode.I think that Nuclear energy is bad for the environment and is also very dangerous.

I bet you are thinking "I don't even know how Nuclear energy works!". Nuclear energy starts with water flowing to the reactor core which is made up of a bundle of radioactive Uranium. This uranium is very hot and the water is there to cool it down. The water gets heated into steam and floats up and turns the turbine that makes the energy. Then the turbine creates the energy and then the energy is moved on power lines to homes and other buildings all over.

The consequences are the radiation poisoning and mutations. If you have radiation poisoning you die slowly and it can't be stopped. Then if a child is exposed at an early age then they could grow up and have deformed legs or arms or some other body part. Another consequence is global warming. The power plant will dump tons of smoke and other waste out and into our environment.

I think that global warming is not the way to go I think that it would be better if we just stuck with solar wind and other Eco-friendly energies. If we go to nuclear global warming will be more of a problem than ever before.


  • Brain, Marshall. "HowStuffWorks "How Nuclear Power Works"." HowStuffWorks "Learn how Everything Works!". N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Oct. 2011. <>.
  • "Nuclear power - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Oct. 2011. <>.

Friday, October 21, 2011


Halloween is a time of fun superstition and happiness. We all love going up to a neighbors door and ringing the doorbell and getting candy. If I had to choose between handing out candy and getting it I would choose the one with more of an reward. I love this time because its got almost everything in it that a kid loves.

The history of Halloween is very vague everyone has a different story. One of the ways it was said to have started was the Celtics had a holiday called Samahian. In this festival the people would dress p to try to scare away the evil ghosts that came out on that night. Later pope Gregory the 3rd Named November 1st All Hallows eve. Eventually this became Halloween as we know today.

Halloween today has become a time when people go around and get candy. It's a very happy time. I think that the years get better and better and it's cool to think how the holiday came to be.

Summer Outreach Camp

Last summer I did lots of interesting things, however one of the most memorable times was summer outreach camp. This camp was a church camp, so and we went to a selected persons home and we worked on fixing items that had broken or cleaned up their home because they where too old to do so. I think this was a memorable experience for me and I had a good time.

What happened first was we divided into groups or 'crews' as the staff called them, for the next days activities.We had dinner and went to bed early. It wasn't a very busy day, but we did the important stuff. I think we should have done more, but it was late and we had to work early the next day.

When I got up and I got dressed and  I went down to the cafeteria where some of the kids were already having breakfast. I sat with my friend Aidan who was also on my 'crew'. After breakfast we got prepared and left for our site. When I got there I personally thought that it the house was abandoned.Soon after the crew leader came back out and said to start working and assigned us all jobs. I started pulling weeds that were about 3 feet tall from the planters and other crew members went inside and removed the damaged floor. When I was finished with my tasks we had lunch and went back to work. My next job was to pull sticks out of the grass so we could mow. Eventually it got late so we headed back to the church we were staying at over night and did an activity. We had dinner and all went to bed.

This is was the last full day of the camp and so we returned to the same house. Today we were assigned different jobs.  I was on stick duty again and so were a few others, they rest of the crew mowed the grass. Once we finished with the sticks we had to remove broken bottles and other trash right next to the house where the lawn mower was not able to cut.  I completed that task and then I got to caulk a window. That was fun and I think it was the highlight of my day. After we left the site we went to a pool to rinse off and relax for a bit. When we got back to the church we had another activity and then we ate and went to bed and when I fell asleep I was so happy I could just relax.

When we woke up we got picked up and left the church and went home. I was happy to get home and felt good about what we did. The home was in a lot better condition than when we arrived.

In conclusion  I liked what I did. The only thing I didn't like was that to wake us up they would flash a light in our eyes and it felt weird. I plan on doing this next year so I am looking forward to it. I hope that its even more fun than last year.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Authors note: this is a response to a book I'm reading called Magyk

I am currently reading a book called “Magyk”. It is about the Heap family. This family is a wizard family and they have recently discovered the Identity of their adopted daughter. To keep her safe they left their old home in the ramblings (a 3 mile long apartment building) and moved to a different area until it is safe. On their journey they found a kid named Boy 412 and he has been staying with them ever since. Boy 412 is a recruit in the young army and that means it's a bunch of little boys (about 12) running around with pikes and swords.

This book is a good book for anyone who likes magic spells and action. It is also easy to follow. This book is nothing like real life. Perhaps in the Renaissance because they live in a castle but other than that it has almost nothing the same about it and real life.

My favorite character is boy 412. The reason for this is that he seems like hes got a secret and that makes me want to know what it is and it interests me.I hope I find out eventually. Also my predictions for the book is that the magyk ring that boy 412 found will come into play later in the book.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Geography of the UK

Authors note: I decided to write this post about the geography of the UK because I wanted to understand the UK better and I wanted to get some credit for geography.

There are many different countries in the world and each one is different. If I went to Wisconsin and then teleported to the UK they are two totally different places. A reason the two are different is because on is on the other side of the globe! I think that countries have to be different because one is located higher than the other so it's colder.

The UK is located next to Ireland in Europe, and it's within 49 N, 59 N and 8 W, 2 E. What I usually think of when I hear United Kingdom, is the royal guards and "Jaffa Cakes"(spongy cake part on he bottom with cream in the middle and dark chocolate over the top) . Some of the things that are in the UK are many mountains and separate islands. Some of the "Man made" things include castles and old stone buildings.

The climate of the UK is very steady and it averages 43 degrease Fahrenheit in January and averages 69 degrease in the summer in July. Unlike in Wisconsin the average temperature is about 50 degrease. They don't get much rain, only about 2-3 inches of precipitation a month! Also like Wisconsin there are mosquitoes.

In the UK people live no farther than 75 mi. from the sea. Most businesses are in the mountainous area of the country. This country is very interesting in how it works because it is so similar to the US. People drive on the opposite side of the road.

I have to say that I like the UK and would love to go there for a vacation and when I do I'll be able to make a big post about my experience. But until that happens I can still do research and stuff. In conclusion, the UK is a big place and has many different things in it and it is a very nice place to live.


"Geography of the UK." Project Britan. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Oct. 2011. <>.

October, there is usually a distinct chill in the air, many regions will have experienced their first frosty nights. This is generally an unsettled month with infrequent settled periods. Autumnal storms are likely, this can bring very wet, stormy weather with localised flooding in places. October can sometimes experience a small continuation of Summer, with temperatures reaching the 20’s, mountainous areas of Scotland, and Northern England may see a return in Wintry weather.. "Climate of the United Kingdom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 7 Oct. 2011. <>.

landmarks, and time. "The Five Themes of Geography." University of North Alabama. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Oct. 2011. <>.  

"Mosquitoes - Culicidae - UK Safari." UK Safari - A site for anyone interested in the wildlife of Britain. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Oct. 2011. <>.