Friday, October 21, 2011


Halloween is a time of fun superstition and happiness. We all love going up to a neighbors door and ringing the doorbell and getting candy. If I had to choose between handing out candy and getting it I would choose the one with more of an reward. I love this time because its got almost everything in it that a kid loves.

The history of Halloween is very vague everyone has a different story. One of the ways it was said to have started was the Celtics had a holiday called Samahian. In this festival the people would dress p to try to scare away the evil ghosts that came out on that night. Later pope Gregory the 3rd Named November 1st All Hallows eve. Eventually this became Halloween as we know today.

Halloween today has become a time when people go around and get candy. It's a very happy time. I think that the years get better and better and it's cool to think how the holiday came to be.

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