Sunday, November 27, 2011

My Thanksgiving Day Experience

 Author's Note: I decided to write about how my Thanksgiving was because it was still fresh in my mind. I am focused on transitions.

Thanksgiving day was something to remember this year. There where ups and downs (but mostly ups). On that day we went to my uncle Fred's and aunt Kathie's house to watch the packer game. Then we went to my Grandmas for dinner. I loved it because it was so much fun even though I had to rush everywhere.

When I got up it seemed like a school day because we had to leave right away. I got up ate food and stuff and when I got to my aunt and uncles house it was about 11:00 so we had some lunch. It was very good. I had a cinnamon roll fruit ham and some sort of thing that was a spinach cheese and egg mix. It sounds gross but it tasted great. Eventually after watching the packers win. I went to my grandmas house for dinner. I always like it because she makes almost everything from scratch. One thing was fluff. Fluff is like the name describes, fluffy. It's a mix of  marshmallow, Mandarin oranges, Strawberries, and whipped cream. It is the best food you will ever eat.

When it was time to go I was pretty tired so we left and when I got home I just crashed. I hope everyone's thanksgiving was great, and I also hope that next year it's even better. And also... Go Pack Go!

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