Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Why Adults don't like Winter

Author's Note: Recently I was talking about winter with my family and it brought up this topic

In Winter many adults say that they wish it was summer. I think that they just don't like to have to shovel the snow and ice off of the driveway. I asked someone recently, and he said that he just doesn't like the slush and walking through the snow and having to put a jacket and boots on to go outside. Well If you ask me, I think that walking in snow requires more energy and putting on a jacket and boots is more work, so in the end it is just more work. I think kids have a better time in winter because they get to have snowball fights and make forts while adults shovel and do other things.

Adults should get more involved with their kids more in winter so it's more enjoyable for them, like a few years ago my dad tried to snowboard instead of ski because he had skied for most of his life and I told him he should try it. He ended up Pancaking and breaking a rib. If you don't know what pancaking is, it's when you try to slow down by turning sideways and leaning back but then snow catches on the front of the board and you fall forward on your stomach. So in the end I'd suggest not trying to snowboard if you are a skier, or at least start out slowly... very slowly.

In the end I think that winter can be a very enjoyable time it's just some people don't always think positively so they are thinking "Aww I don't want to shovel the drive way." But if you think positively you would be like "Okay I am going to shovel the driveway and then come back in for a warm hot chocolate.". So if you think of the positives you can get through any situation... Including winter.

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